A piece of paper where u can try to get into chuck's head... amelie's weird sensations and all kinds of characters... all leading to a crazy lil tink.. me
Si tan solo hubiera una manera de sacar tanta frustración que acumulo aparentemente sin razón alguna. Créanme la utilizaría, es tanta la impotencia a veces. Pero bueno que se puede hacer? solo espero q los planes... esos que hago en mi cabeza funcionen y esta vez alguien se digne a apoyarme. Aunque el ritmo a veces se siente medio muerto, pareciera que las luces no se apagan ni cuando una intenta soplarlas
Sentirse una turista en tu propia casa no es normal. y a veces ese " fuera de lugar" es tan familiar.
Todo se detiene, y por un segundo soy libre. Y después otra vez vuelven esas memorias tontas y responsabilidades innecesarias. ¿Irracional? talvez. Necesaria algunos dirían.
Despertarse 5 o 6 veces durante la noche provoca cierta ira, no es alarmante pero si es perturbadora Y ¿que hago con esta constante urgencia de escapar? a donde voy? si mis alas todavía están atadas? veo colores y luego en espasmos pura pintura blanca, me congelo por un instante y luego un cambio... otra vez metamorfosis, diurna o moderna? transparencia avasalladora y mis ojos se sienten cansados otra vez, dilatando las pupilas... lagrimas secas, estoy exhausta y nadie me escucha, por qué será que los sueños son mudos como películas de antaño, como teatro contemporáneo.
Sentimientos encontrados y flashbacks de grises y más formas en contornos, se desvanecen los olores y las fibras de lo que una vez era una red de sabiduría parecen desaparecer en la niebla de este día tan ambiguo, tan cercano.
Por más que suene a cliché la cafeína despierta a un personaje interno mas activo, y cada vez más misterioso, emociones violentas pero no negativas parecen emanar de este alter-ego que imprime sus intenciones en las puntas de mis dedos. Como lápices suaves y libres por el papel.
De repente el teléfono suena...
Remordimiento y culpa, me llaman. Decido no hablar pero ellos si. Escupen acusaciones, pero las guardo en esa caja, a veces las lanzan tan lejos que no me da el tiempo para esconderlas todas. Pero después de unas horas, la mayoría esta archivada en la pared.
y surgen mas incógnitas; Se me Permite pensar? pero una brisa se lleva mi idea...rápidamente entonces no veo mas de que se trataba, avanza el vortex y absorbe todo a su paso, estoy tranquila sin moverme, pero miro detenidamente, y veo marea y viento, fuego y agua, se expande, me uno a la voracidad de su naturaleza y de repente...
Todo es calma todo se ve, todo se mueve y me favorece, tambores y cuerdas de metal, analogías y migrañas, el polvo no se siente mas, y esta rutina de total inconciencia, espero me transporte por fin a lugares que ni tu ni yo conocemos, pero que eternamente se sienten como nuestros.
Es tan incierta esta compatibilidad, es a veces tan idónea tan materialista y tan mía, que me espanta a un nivel tolerable pero no del todo normal, ese constante escalofrío es a veces placentero, creo que de a poco… voy cayendo en las garras de lo que es sentir.
¿Pero para que dejarse atrapar? Es casi como una tentación permitida. Y entonces para que sentir si hay tanta crueldad, y tanto dolor, y tanta codicia, ¿será entonces acertado esconder emociones y sinónimos? Expresar solamente lo necesario y controlar cada sentimiento particular, como manifiestos publicados, como medicamentos prescritos, como soldados en un ejército, y tantas diferentes formas de control. Pensando además de que nada o nadie puede ya cambiar a este mundo, Si Lennon no lo logró entonces quien? Imaginando y cantando y después matando que cosas tiene este caos.
Dejando al lado mordaz de lado si es que vale de algo la redundancia en una posteada de blog, empezando de nuevo con aproximaciones literarias. La veracidad y autenticidad de una pagina solo son factibles para el autor, verdad?¿ Y que si un color sobrepone a otro, ¿donde está la diferencia entre un libro bueno y otro malo?
Vuelvo a la normalidad, empujo a mi escritor interno y dirijo a mis ojos para que noten la espuma celeste que se va formando en la comisura de esa sonrisa, tan fatal tan confusa pero tan real y posesiva, palabras rebuscadas, y bocas remendadas, contornos repasados y colores opacados, contusiones y alucinaciones, quisiera solamente ver y sentir una vez todo este episodio, pero es raro.., sentirlo una vez mas de una forma cada vez mas cíclica.
Y relucir a través de imagines o pinturas, y así talvez renacer y sonreír mas seguido, también reconocer convenios que pese a no tener validez política son igual de importantes.
Transmitir energía y conciencia fotográfica, incoherencia y relatividad, verdes y rojos, bipolaridad, tonadas y riffs además de ingenuidad y transparencia, estos cambios emocionales (si hay tal cosa) y una paleta agridulce de celos, solo espero que la necesidad de enterrar palabras no se seque y no termine por envenenar a mi otro yo.
Eyes drawn all over
black chalk
an another kind of twist
waiting for some motion
I'm Still young
The dust was never called
Wrong conceptions
Turning brakes
Lets add some white paint
laughs and sweat
seashores easily flying
what a cliché
carry on
i've missed the last rainbow
analizyng my every step
over and over again
so high
can't fly
unfolded wings
Slow down
i sit and listen
clouds more clawns
Taking the blame
Songs and Empathy
filled that box with small pills
Tunes from Abbey Road
Pushing up that hill
white lions
Razorblades, unkind regret
Coming undone
my pieces crashing
lovely cup
my freedom will starve
forcing me to grow up
no neverland tickets
dice made of ice
chocking on mint
Apricot Scent
wasting water, throwing light
Just Hold my hand
cynical infatuations
almost biblical bilingual peaches
heavy eyelashes
burning in sand
It's just James, a boy and his bugg
I need some reasurement
Laying on the floor
what a beautiful moon
and use this chance to be heard
our time is your time
lossing seconds cheering with agony
always aware and lost tunes
sonets on the back of the wall
yellow postings and a mellow song
hush baby we r getting closer
to be the best a rough test
and another beat a diferent cloud and a huge sense of wisdom
the only thing i'll never show
running out of paint
so i hear.. drum beats on the back
so i hear.. drum beats on the back
take all need suddenly feeling u own me and every single thing that comes out of this lips
red and green a different kind of seen
and a god that sleeps on his desk
if there is such thing...
black holes and expectations now..
black holes and expectations now..
just todayugly faces and melting doors
windows in pain and another broken knee
how predictable this whole typing thing can be?
fools and hallsplenty of room
fools and you
queens and diferent stripes
brown and blue
charming bones
charming bones
red stars dead stars
unsealed features
strokes and spots
green lights
another world to be sold
pretenders and more acurate souls
where does mine belong?
mixed numbers in french
tongue tied
i picture that shadowin the back of my eyes
fire fire..
five four
bending spoons now
hands made of sand
no more rain i could care less
It seems during the day
that I'm a spy reincarnated
Into a very strange love affair between a dream and a girl
It's seems during the night
that I can't even close my eyes
I gotta tell you about my sweet living nightmare I fall in love with, every night
kudos to ghinzu.. kudos to them indeed
How come?How wrong?
From a demon to a good son
How long?Is there a way that I can hide, from the man that carries hell?
From the last narcotic motel
I think about the dirt I think about our smiles I think about the lies I think about our suicide looking in my heart, well I’m afraid Laying in the dawn, laying till to die, well I’m afraid....
4 in the morning, piano tunes...hills n Broken Hearted Hoover Fixer Sucker Guys
Lazarus n kisses another chapter
It's horrid to see you again
Now that you're back from the dead
It's horrid to see you again
So bored of being you
It's horrid to see you again
Now that you're back from the dead
It's horrid to see you again
So bored of being.... alive, alive, alive
years and another count begins
twenty years, four seven two three nine eight five, i gotta breathe to stay aliveand one four two nine seven eight, feelis like I'm gonna suffocatefourtenn sixteen twenty-two, this skin that turns to blister blue
titina cheering me up.. another laugh gone..
beat goes dead
TaKe A bOw!
pa todos los politicos.. outthere
You corrupt
Bring corruption to all that you touch
You'll behold
And beholden for all that you've done
And spell
Cast a spell
Cast a spell on the country you run
And risk
You will risk
You will risk all their lives and their souls
And burn
You will burn
You will burn in hell
yeah You'll burn in hell
You'll burn in hell
Yeah you'll burn in hell for your sins
And our freedom's consuming itself
What we become is contrary to what we want
Take a bow
You bring death
And destruction to all that you touch
You must pay
You must pay for your crimes against the earth
Feed the hex
Feed the hex on the country you love
Yeah and beg
You will beg
You will beg for their lives and their souls
Yeah and burn
You will burn
You will burn in hell
yeah You'll burn in hell
You'll burn in hell
yeah You'll burn in hell
You'll burn in hell
Yeah you will burn for all your sins
Olympics.. once more with out feeling?
The inauguration ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games Beijing 2008 kicked off at 8:08 in the morning, August 8, China showed to the world how big they are when it comes to organization, perfection in every move. creativity exposed like never before.. huge installations and amazing music.. every single piece was more than perfect. it gave me shivers.. of happines i felt in love with the world. and with China's culture.. i should explore more about it coz i am really close to them.
in the other hand...
World's messed up again... Russia and Georgia are in conflict.. sux.. we dont want more wars.. and i think (not sure) its coz of oil... that for news
SO there for the worlds lights and shadows they always get to me... and somehow i feel useless. so small-.. like always there's nothing i can do.
in the other hand...
World's messed up again... Russia and Georgia are in conflict.. sux.. we dont want more wars.. and i think (not sure) its coz of oil... that for news
SO there for the worlds lights and shadows they always get to me... and somehow i feel useless. so small-.. like always there's nothing i can do.
mixed chalk dust
talking things over and over again, it almost feels like dead roaddont think we are ok... just beacuse I'm here.movin backwards no need to rewind and somehow the wind still pushes the rain towards my eyes. suddenly i feel still covered with tunes gazing thru it all..and then a deep sound but no crash no ground no nothing.tear drops here, since you got no choiceu'll hear them , own this requiem u jerk, breakfast junk and another verse...memories and sentimental guilt not another lip... bite it not quite surprising, even i dont need stupid drugs.so im just lyin on the floor, hoping that today will be back at noon, so i can finally have that rendez-vous i hope u can meet the one u buried before... and no harm no harm... maybe a broken arm and what about that rib... floatin nearby so many thoughts aiming at my mind.. thinking to my self what if everybody looked the same?I wish it was you the one i watch sleep n not that silly cube...entropy all over just like that just like that...is it enough water there? coz i cant longer breathe.. walking shades and another ghost near the bridge.where did he go where did he go?cults and vans and another piece of ground still tearing apart from where it came and i hear and i hear... another squill thunderbird and its freedom no salt no hand no more.is this the end? where will all this lack of peace lead a maniac like me now? another room and there... once more no doors or windows no way out no way outanother atheist dying with the song beating like her heart no more independence and suddenly a string.. pealing from its place how peachy this can be?where's ur quill?whispers on that book trapped like chains you are chains arent you. dueling between and what else can i say. no more words and yellow thoughts how long can i do this for? i am not afraid of death, sometimes i feel its pointless.. this life and all the things we own and how they end up owning us instead. i gues this whole note has no point and no meaning at all . just read the title.distorted winter again, it all feels so odd but now makes perfect sense since im odd myself. more chalk more chalkand somehow i cant I can't get it rightGet it rightSince I met you...............
Making minds up (fb)
so here i amback again..picked a lil wisdom i guessseeing things with another kind of eyesstill brown thoand now i can stare at lights with more placeri can stop and listen to the wind if i want toand now i just wonderwhat is time?and life after all?but to allor just me?and then again i breakLeaves on the ground and suddenly i crashedit hurtsmy hands are still shakingand thats not a nice feelingnot from this viewnot anymore.n now i wonder...how weird is just to wonder... and keep wondering.what if time stucks ther for you and me?what if... when i say i am thinking of u... u actually have an answer...my mind feels corrupted and urs is so far awayi canti wish i could reach.. u feel ur bones.. n soft foot.and ur hair and all...jokes and songs..i actually feel that i need to share them with uand sometimes... u feel so close..some othersnot so muchnonsense? i never heard it...ur voice sounds distant now...elevators.and more bleached hair.and me... another me.. another touch another hand and still..feel like ur citizen erased.
exportando blog
so.. soon bua traer algunaz cosillas cool de otro
esperen ok?
esperen ok?
its been quite a long time since my last post here
sorry bout that..
i was not busy.. i cant lie..
just lack of inspiration and some energy thats all.
no diamonds in the sky but smoke not complaining i loved the city and all of its fancy places.. i really did and i dig their ways and all that.
as for me.. another year another band.. this time MUSE hit the stage.. i've waited for so long...eager for Matt's red guitar... Dom's Green pants... even chris and his suits... amazing.. sound and amazing songs.. just an amazing band... words cant explain how i feel about them. words just get in the way.
You'll not restSettle for lessUntil you guzzleAnd squander what's leftDo not denyYet you live and let die ....
and once again a crazy trip a fancy hotel and loads of hamburguers.. and cold windy weather... reasons justified, i absofuckinglutely loved muse live.. and begged for this not to be the 1st and last time i see them live.
i keep finding starlights on the road.... and some how my fears wont just go... but become a number of rocks... stucked over the borderline of that little mountain.
knights and more fights. but still some of us wont remain close to them. real followers. wont just appear for a meeting. screaming and roaring for more another trend.
The time has come to make things rightYou and I must fight for our rightsYou and I must fight to survive....and if i shall fall!!!!.... pick me up so i can move along.
drums and white ballons.... heart beats and some smoke.... i felt alive after a dusty while.
no harm whatsoever... im still here same amelie same old thoughts and wishing that 26 was not only a day but a whole Century.
sorry bout that..
i was not busy.. i cant lie..
just lack of inspiration and some energy thats all.
no diamonds in the sky but smoke not complaining i loved the city and all of its fancy places.. i really did and i dig their ways and all that.
as for me.. another year another band.. this time MUSE hit the stage.. i've waited for so long...eager for Matt's red guitar... Dom's Green pants... even chris and his suits... amazing.. sound and amazing songs.. just an amazing band... words cant explain how i feel about them. words just get in the way.
You'll not restSettle for lessUntil you guzzleAnd squander what's leftDo not denyYet you live and let die ....
and once again a crazy trip a fancy hotel and loads of hamburguers.. and cold windy weather... reasons justified, i absofuckinglutely loved muse live.. and begged for this not to be the 1st and last time i see them live.
i keep finding starlights on the road.... and some how my fears wont just go... but become a number of rocks... stucked over the borderline of that little mountain.
knights and more fights. but still some of us wont remain close to them. real followers. wont just appear for a meeting. screaming and roaring for more another trend.
The time has come to make things rightYou and I must fight for our rightsYou and I must fight to survive....and if i shall fall!!!!.... pick me up so i can move along.
drums and white ballons.... heart beats and some smoke.... i felt alive after a dusty while.
no harm whatsoever... im still here same amelie same old thoughts and wishing that 26 was not only a day but a whole Century.
you got no right!
so things are moving here this world, heath ledger died... and that was sad. last week was boring and all i do is wait , this redundance is driving me mad so i´ll just move. i cant stand still not now. i have to do something i cant be stucked here. no feelings seem to appear whatsoever is this constant imagination turning me into some kind of zombie? have i lost it already? i mean. im upset all the fucking time and thats not normal, noone has that right.. you know .. to keep the pain in here... you know.. my CROWN! whats with me. i need a pill. just one. haha.. psyco typing(again) it probably happens more often than it should so i migth take that shrink appointment more seriously.
in other things its raining like crazy, it was nice but not anymore. i was about to watch a stupid video there at you tube.. "obdece a la morsa" i believe its called... nope didnt do it afterwards.. looks creepy.
so i havent been listening to music lately. just movies. and thats good i guess.
so about this Goddes bunny, i was just reading something about this person (Jhonnie Baima) also know as sandy crisp,is an actor mostly know in the underground travesti area.he suffered child molestation, and a had a tough,life over the years due to that polio illness and his condition got worst and never let him grow properly, even afterthat he did his best and thats shown on the documentary from 1998, so its not a satan conspiracy its a not a travesti or drag queens stuff made, its just an asshole who has too much time in his hands and wants to provoque wrong emotions on youtube addepts. pay no attention to that. and stop your internal perv just there.
carnival is here.. little bastards throwin water balloons.. that blows. im trying my best to scape from them, i hate that. im also wondering is friendship a relative thing? i mean does the word even fullfill itself? i've been feeling weird and anoyinh lately coz some attitudes from both sides are kinda redundant and its me the one that pusshes them away, gosh... lets hope i can fix it, so i dont become a loner.
and fantasy overwealms me once more. i care not for loser i can still recall that painfull thought and i cant take it away. it seems to be stucked here in this moment and i cant get out of it.
affordable teeth and mixed white and red contusions
so things are moving here this world, heath ledger died... and that was sad. last week was boring and all i do is wait , this redundance is driving me mad so i´ll just move. i cant stand still not now. i have to do something i cant be stucked here. no feelings seem to appear whatsoever is this constant imagination turning me into some kind of zombie? have i lost it already? i mean. im upset all the fucking time and thats not normal, noone has that right.. you know .. to keep the pain in here... you know.. my CROWN! whats with me. i need a pill. just one. haha.. psyco typing(again) it probably happens more often than it should so i migth take that shrink appointment more seriously.
in other things its raining like crazy, it was nice but not anymore. i was about to watch a stupid video there at you tube.. "obdece a la morsa" i believe its called... nope didnt do it afterwards.. looks creepy.
so i havent been listening to music lately. just movies. and thats good i guess.
so about this Goddes bunny, i was just reading something about this person (Jhonnie Baima) also know as sandy crisp,is an actor mostly know in the underground travesti area.he suffered child molestation, and a had a tough,life over the years due to that polio illness and his condition got worst and never let him grow properly, even afterthat he did his best and thats shown on the documentary from 1998, so its not a satan conspiracy its a not a travesti or drag queens stuff made, its just an asshole who has too much time in his hands and wants to provoque wrong emotions on youtube addepts. pay no attention to that. and stop your internal perv just there.
carnival is here.. little bastards throwin water balloons.. that blows. im trying my best to scape from them, i hate that. im also wondering is friendship a relative thing? i mean does the word even fullfill itself? i've been feeling weird and anoyinh lately coz some attitudes from both sides are kinda redundant and its me the one that pusshes them away, gosh... lets hope i can fix it, so i dont become a loner.
and fantasy overwealms me once more. i care not for loser i can still recall that painfull thought and i cant take it away. it seems to be stucked here in this moment and i cant get out of it.
affordable teeth and mixed white and red contusions
im screamin coz i feel like it and my back aches... damn.
im screamin coz i feel like it and my back aches... damn.
well a new thingy here
y veremos q onda no? i mean a new blog a new challenge
hand me that stella 1st!
hand me that stella 1st!
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