
a la francesa.. esperando zero errores, no mas memorias

Si penser à vous sa pas droite, pourquoi c'était juste avant ? Sentez-vous la même façon ? ou vous débordez juste à la première jambe qui traverse votre chemin ? tant de questions, même une réponse pas, votre mémoire, vous la chose jaune. Alors si nous devons mettons des sensations derrière, il y a une recette, une façon de fonctionnement ceci hors ? 4 ans, se sent comme à jamais comme j'essaie de converger dans quelque chose nouveau, je souhaite mes mémoires où pas vrai, et cela aimant vous étiez juste
un rêve que je n'ai jamais obtenu développer dans quelque chose que je pourrais dessiner.


Mind Over TIme

just realized.
a glimpse of a local group of people, dancing next to the bridge in this quiet neighborhood, mixing colours and laughs in such a short time, (big yellow bus), they got here in a yellow bus, danced for a while then moved to a different location, so fast for me, who knows how long it was for them, a pick and a new point of view, a rose a dove, another move, wondering around my bed, chunk what a great dog name, FOCUS.
If it was easier for me to relax this mind, to let it run free, no charges no fees, a constant piano tune, roaming through this labyrinth, my mind, paul bank's voice, such a threat, great delight. walking around this long road, memorized a sound, song 7 another cloud,flour flowers and sometimes a sour word, sulking at the television, turning sour, moving backwards a different step, another kind of health so sour, and i add a different flavour to this taste,so old and mine just mine.
and even now i can't pretend i don't need to defend some part of me from you, things moved forward before i did, no regrets no harm no pain, and still i gained.

crwaling back to my computer, i dont like to work under preassure, art doesnt deal with bosses or cubiculed people, i can't spit paint anymore. just mind over time.

and i think i'm moving towards a new way of life, if i may. if they let me, if i let them.confusing thoughts aiming at me.
so if 2+2 is indeed 5 how is it that you wake up and see things clearly? is there like a switch? do you activate some kind of trigger? when does this realizing of a change and a will of life (if we may), develop?
so we all evolve in such way, or do we increase our chances? do we actually move towards evolution or we are pleased being stucked and that's it.

So little time so much to know!

if we base our lives in time then, we are manipulitaing our ways, changing them into dice...
too late to update

just a second


Temitas màs importantes?neutral vegetal

y entonces empieza la campaña politica.. y eso si es que ha empezado en septiembre.. o va a seguir un curso medio wacko que viene ya... rodando desde hace meses, tal cual bola de paja en algun western film.
tonz.. "nuevos candidatos" dicen, yo digo; misma chola diferente pollera,ya empiezan los traspasos de equipos, de colores y por que no de ideologias, está por demás aclarar que no me inclino por ninguno y punto.

de todas maneras quien sabe que vaya a pasar en diciembre,mayor tecnología implicará mayor concurrencia? o mayor "algo" por lo menos?
entonces si a+b = c... por q siguen estos cuates en"campaña" ya sabemos que va a pasar.
mas info enla erbol
o vean el 2 si quieren tele amarilla

entre otras cosas... la gripe esta en todo el mundo como el reguetton, misma magnitud de maldad?o sera que es momento de fijarnos algunita de las otras de miles de razones por las que la gente se muere cada single day!(epa! no es q no le tenga miedo a la gripe...yo le tengo miedo a la gripe)

y en el futbol: BOlivia perdió! novedad? no

oliver stone es "lefty" creo ahora.. haha bien que filme cosas diferentes. tocara ver el doc.
mas terroristas que "revientan" como pipocas.. revientan. digo por como surgen.

de paso han encontrado un rata gigante en Nueva guinea... como si no hubieran ya suficientes ratas en el mundo.

y creo que el sarcasmo ya es innato en muchos de nosotros, pero hay que recalcar que no siempre implica conformismo y mucho menos ese "lack" de ganas de cambiar el mundo pero en esta generacion, cuesta no mas identificarse con algo, si ya todos andan sin mascaras y las caras no son tan bonitas como una imaginaría. entonces que nos queda si no el arte?
esperemos entonces que todo movimiento en el mundo. politico, social, economico o sísmico... no traigan mas caos a este ladito de america.

Jai guru deva, om


19 (yellow tags)

estuve escuchando la Stereo97 que antes era la mejor radio de esta ciudad... nowadays.. desastre total.. horas de publis.. los djs son pesimos. salvando a algunos dinosaurios que quedaron y mantienen alguito de esa radio de antes. notas de la calle.. no no, pocos temas descentes. todos los demas los repiten todo el tiempo mal mal.. ya no.
entocnes Zas! new topic para un post
que terrible esto de la repeticion, recien ahora una ubica, que la repeticion no es buena ni mala, es como tu te la plantees depende totalmente de una percepcion personal y egoista talvez, entonces si yo queria volver a una Lets say "repeticion" de hace unos 3 años.. no hay pues tal, no se puede revivir nada, ni pasado ni personas ni emociones, entonces y con este razonamiento; la amistad es repetitiva? condicionada? o solamente una palabra bonita para taggear a personas cercanas que merecen tag? entonces destageamos a algunas tageamos a otras y asi la vida sigue como fotos en secuencia.. tarareando estribillos.

confusas todas estas cosaS? most def... pero al final sin reflexiones que haria el ser humano.. unwanted alligators... one day living fly.. and all
head honchos que dan yellow tags canciones que pasan pero aveces marcan y te dejan ideas de quien sabe quien que por ahi son factibles y aplicables a tu rutina diaria no?

entonces.. si vamos a basar la vida en canciones estamos jodidos! habran que agregar varias cosas como libros y pelis, si vamos a llevar una vida "consumista" a un nivel mas intelectual y extremo,no?
pero para nutrirse bien hay que empezar bien... primero unos buenos hits d rock'n'roll de los 60s y 70s un skip a los ochentas..(por que para eso se necesita dieta estricta y full color y spray de cabello) los 90s como siempre presentes y los 2miles a medias.. nada d moderato ni nada de lo q vaya a estar en el paceña-emo-fest.. pobres tocayos.. mal nivel eso.
unas buenas dosis de rock boliviano,loukass,octavia, y los unit.. y todo normal
y de postre full bandas indie..(pedir recetas aqui)
Y en la soledad de mi cuestion emocional tuve un plan genial... no lo voy a confesar


le cascamos?y un update bien colla!

a lo papirri! como la eri me metio el virus trigresco mas chinesco que otra cosa del papirri he estado "cascando" uno de sus discos.. metafisica popular una de las canciones un chiste pero esito seria!
ese sentimiento de nacionalismo que no habia antes, esta creciendo a velocidad A1H1... pandemia o nose.. esta rebien! esta hermoso!
pero hay q tambien ubicarse un poco no se es boliviano solo por ser boliviano.. por q ahora ser "bolita" esta de moda! yaaa! no vE?
hay q poner bandera el en agosto.. pero no pongo wiphala.. no tengo y ademas no me da la gana de comprar, listo chau.
creo q este es el post mas "coso" q he escrito en la historiade los posts..pero bueno
siguiendo. ahora todos son fans de atajo, cosa q esta bien hasta yo que era malvada... ahora le meto "morenada corazon" mas seguido! asi de cervecita y mixtura!!! esta bien! esta! HERMOSO!
las cholitas tienen mas presencia en la tele... no ve, sus programas.. la wislla del 4 la wislla del 7 está bien! está! HERMoso

En lo q fracasamos siempre es en el futbol, pero bueno q le vamos a hacer ni con altura ganamos.
y ahora! bares como el 36.. full dealers.. solo gringos JO-DA! pero está bien
ahora q se hayan hecho pescar! eso esta mal... esta feo
la zona sur sigue igual... mismos jailones nuevos autos nuevas fachas nuevas tiendas.. a btw pasen por la tienda! CRIME eso esta bello! buenas poleritas del sebastian
ah vayan a ver ZOna sur ZS... aunq este mala! apoyen al cine nacional..
al paceña fest! ahi si que no! asi no! asi NO!

bueno mas updates cuando hayan mas ganas
besos chukutas!

Ps.. LA Diablada es boliviana quieran o no quieran los peruanos basta de robar che!no hay tal diablada puneña! mentira!!!


tanta tanta sabiduria no?

Y es cuando pasan estas cosas que una recien salta a valorar lo que tenia, y recuerda o a veces tambien piensa y tiene cierto regret por las cosas que nunca le dije, que nunca le digo a casi nadie.

Y como cambian las persepciones de nosotros y de las gentes que rodean a este circulo tan confuso llamado familia, tan unida tan difusa tan adherente y mezclada casi como mixtura en el piso despues del gran poder.

Entonces que hacer ahora? visitar el jardin gigante ese? a veces es medio creepy pero it has to be done nove que las politicas de la sociedad dicen que esta mal si no lo haces. y vas y t sientes miserable aveces, otras veces le cuentas en que andas y esperas que nadie se entere de tus andanzas, en general estas cosas del "after" van bien

Otra vez la cuestion de preguntarse que haria el si estuviera en mi lugar? por q como sabran fue un hombre muy sabio
una se acuerda tambien... de sus manitos y de las cosas que decia, como que esa manzana era horrible por q no era de su casera, o que no lo despeinen,o su constante demostracion (pero no forzada) de fortaleza valor y tantas cosas que aprendi a distancia.
una manzana verde siempre ahi
incoherencia de mi parte?
pero no forzada
y como te mueven estas cosas no? i mean ahi adentro
cuando dicen " como duele" realmente... si si duele! dolor fisico emocional y todo que dura no mas un buen tiempo. pero tambien cierta calma y alivio de que como dicen esta tranquilo y sin preocupaciones, capaz construyendo o bailando billie jean con el que sabemos.

Recordaré siempre los duraznos en mi cartera o tecito con una buena marraqueta y queso chaqueño. cosas que me han marcado por mas simples y sosas que parezcan pero son parte de mi y de mi mixtura personal.

y solo esperar que esa fuerza que el tuvo al cruzar el rio para verla a la Ely o simplemente al meterle un combazo a alguno en el ring , se haya colado en mi aunque sea por suerte.(aparentemente el lado boxeador esta en mi desde siempre)
y que logre ser aunque sea el 10% de trabajadora de lo que era el, me haran completa y van a llenarme de color

te extrañamos mucho


Only through destroying myself can I discover the greater power of my spirit.scorecenter

Drooling creativity for the last couple of days, I realized I wrecked my self into small pieces, so small that a single word seems vicious, rare and self-conscious, then I ran my fingers thru what I thought was your hair, woke up, not a pleasant way to get up actually, but still I moved, then when I looked into that window I heard the dust heavy and unsure, but I kept going only to find a piece of Lego piercing my ankle and that pain didn’t bother me, I went for some juice, to find out just another hint, God actually falls asleep on the job, drank water instead.

Tried my best to breathe properly, you know like in tele adds, that calms me down.


And another one

I’m not alone but it feels like I was, I’m not scared so don’t put feelings in my mouth

Choke Rant? I need my books



So what's with this flu paranoia anyway? is it me or we r just over excited about a new global pandemonium!? haha well oh well.. maybe just a redflag, u know how the media likes to spit information like llamas! but just to prevent and no regret here's a list of sympts:
Swine flu symptoms are similar to those produced by ordinary seasonal flu - fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, chills and fatigue If you have flu symptoms and recently visited affected areas of Mexico, you should seek medical advice If you suspect you are infected, you should stay at home and take advice by telephone initially, in order to minimise the risk of infection so is this a desperate attempt of us for attention? is this moving forward or just regression? another brick on the wall we all build, a different move and another kind of mutation? maybe a new monkey's arrival or just a stage. a huge part of me wants to follow the leader and also predict the definite end of us all. and another one, the red one... it's just tired of my mind being spread like peanuts all over the floor, doing nothing, fixing nothing. sometimes i wonder if im losing it or if i already found it and i just deny its freedom. predicting complete mental illness i'll try to move backwards and rely on what i once believed was healing ________________ (fill in the blank) i'll keep drawing with the remains i have left.. hope the peanuts can somehow be organized inside this head of mine.


I love this city tonight I love this city always It bears it’s teeth like a light And spits me out after days

I find myself in a weird situation back on a sick cycle carrousel. And it’s kind of rare to come back after so much. But here I am.
Redundant, I know it is certain that sometimes u need a push from an outsider to actually get to know your own city and the fabulous things it has to offer. You obviously know they are there but some of them might just melt in a few years. Is this that gets me all confused and uneasy
mountains and rivers hidden rocks and tall trees surrounding the road and the clouds that approach are just smooth breath of something or someone that used to be.
impressions of earth and another kind of pet I think, a mess a bin full of trash and I wish I had a camera with me all the time to capture some of it's core
Ch ch changes new moves new turns and a unwearied way of staring, this time I wont move so fast I’ll rely on what I know and what I still need to learn, different shades and loads of colour and I’m still standing in the altitude that sometimes gives me a rough time but as always I settle for a couple of days of not breathing at all.
Crazy weather and crazy reactions, do you also think that it may affect all of us? This melting issue is it way to global? And I no longer recognize my garden and stuff like silence… I used to enjoy it so much.
Another rant feeling... is there such thing? Gazing at the wind and I still try to colour it, someone should tell me that such achievement it is hopeless or maybe I just stick to water. And so many things I have to do. Not much time left though I keep forcing my muscles into a change.
I’ll just live what it’s in my fate if I even believe in the therm.
revolutions, muffins and fears I just hope all that is coming this way just keeps me in the centrefold.
And when it comes to fury and disappointment, just pick grey now no more of the old black or white
I just wish I develop.
Visiting as many places as I can from now one



so back here... again.. updating and wondering around it's such an idioteque but i still type.
things were kinda busy lately... been out of town enjoying santiago and some Escudo beer.. meeting nu ppl and hiding from the sun.
so here it goes.

I left on jan last days... the bus was ok.. nuns sitting next to me. then altitude problems in Tambo Quemado my hooodie was way to heavy... stupid Michelin thingy. it was ok.. then i got to Arica.. at 2pm... my next bus was leavin at 6pm.. so i decided to go n eat something.. Mcdonalds yay! but then i realized i didnt have enough pesos, so took a cab n went to... the busy part of the city... it was empty.. i guess they are more awake during the afternoon.. so no food for me.. i'm glad i found an internet cafe.. n then it was 4pm in my watch... but it turns out.. its 5pm in chile so i was late for the next bus.. took a cab and went back to the bus station... where i waited 30 min for the stupid bus to finally move.Since i was late... i had to carry my suitcase all the freakin time. beautiful views... on the way... i also met a lady who was telling me all kinds of stories bout the moon and stuff.. she also gave me a ring as a gift hope she is doin fine.. she lives in Pozo...really cool lady she deserves some happines. well then a girl and her baby (Bruce) came n sat next to me... we talked for ages..she told me bout her babies and we also mentioned healthy food.. hahaha weird conversation but it was fine.. then i did most of the trip alone.. i got to Santiago.. earlier than i expected..but then went to the hotel n finally got some sleep after 36 hrs in a bus.(bus bathroom was a nightmare) woke up. it was too hot... took a shower went out...i couldn't believe i was wearing a skirt :P.. i was hungry so ... walked n then found a KFC... had some chicken wasn't good and there was a huge bug next to me.. so that pretty much sucked. went back home.. had a beer. and then fell asleep.n then Fred was there! YAY! hahaha awesome!

Then the next day he had to meet his friend Drew for drinks.. (its really crazy the way these two hung around around the world) so we met Drew and his friend Cory.. the coolest guys ever :P we went for beers... n then went back to their's with more beer... i met Kenna too! she is like the coolest girl EVER! (considering leavin all of my friends n trade them for her! hahaha well..that is stupid). Then the next day... more beer.. n a few museums.. (museums are no cool when the streets are melting) n wearing a skirt all day long wasn't that bad.

Then we said goodbye to the guys coz they are goin all the way to patagonia n stuff...(Hardcore hitchhikers) hope they are doin fine. (i'm meeting them again in june.. or july so we can have some Rostro asado n strange food.. crazy Drew)
back in LPZ the altitude and i got into a huge fight.. n it affected my dear bf too :P-- sux. but im happy. got a nu place in Achumani its nice n we have a few nu dogs.. hehehe.. hope this is not boring.i'll update more stuff soon X